Mohamud Mumin This project is part of a group show titled, THE NEW AMERICANS at Minneapolis College of Art and Design — highlighting the work of four Twin Cities-based artists known for their striking images that suggest an understanding of or intimacy with the communities they photograph. But that is where the similarities end. The artists themselves have significantly different relationships to immigrant communities, which are informed by their personal histories and experiences. This exhibition puts these artists’ diverse philosophical and methodological approaches in dialogue with one another and the gallery space at MCAD. Their varying explorations of cultural assimilation and attitudes toward representational responsibility tie directly into the formal aesthetic choices they make, photographic history, and the current political climate. Below is the project statement that is essentially a series of email exchanges between Mohamud Mumin and the curator, Kerry Morgan. READ PROJECT STATEMENT/WALL DIDACTIC HERE: fwd_the-window-into-jays-office-2016_project_statement
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